Tag Archive for splatter paint

Hipster Cred

Cred Cray!

A portrait of a hipster goat hitting the scene in his 80’s fashion gear  while  posing in front of a Jackson Pollack painting. He is really skyrocketing his hipster cred. Original painting. 12″x18″ acrylic on recycled wood. Ready to hang.

Original and Prints available @ http://www.etsy.com/shop/LatebloomersArt


One Crazy Summer

After watching the movies Rad and Howard the Duck I was really inspired to relive 1986 again. So, I busted out the fluorescent paints and started splattering away on a black surface. Stenciled 1986 using gold interference paint and finished with a triple gloss.

The Golden Child

You will notice that 1986 will change color depending on your angle. 8″x8″ acrylic on wood with triple gloss finish.